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Author: Island Girl
An urban girl at heart, Island Girl spent most of her upbringing scampering through cornfields in America\'s Southland, collecting ladybugs and not missing a Sunday morning of church. Her aspirations began in her childhood, always wanting to shine. Aiming to inspire the imaginations of children, she is constantly finding inventive ways to capture the child-like ways in everyone, hence the work of her first series of children?s books. The journey of her life is what satisfies the longing for joy in her palpitating heart. After graduating college, Island Girl packed her bags and took the first flight to Chicago to live, where she discovered jazz is more than a genre and snow is more than just freezing. She spends the best part of her day loving her English husband, whom she fell carelessly in love with at the age of sixteen and married nine years later. Currently residing near London, she teaches school and lives comfortable yet practical in their two bedroom flat. She is ready for security, exhausted of having a past and loves eagerness in others