2017-02-25: Unfortunately the original weblog data was lost in the great server crash of 2016. Some of it has been restored,
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Weblog: http://www.route79.com/journal/
Author: Jag
Reflections on a bus journey home. By a British, European, 2nd-Generation Indian. Probably confused - but proud to be them all! NOTE: I am not a bus-spotter. So don\'t email me asking for info on buses etc. Half of my journey to and from work is a 20-30 minute bus ride: London Bus Route 79 - from Alperton in West London to Queensbury in North West London. I very frequently get pissed-off and frustrated waiting around in the DARK, WET and COLD - waiting for the 79 to turn up. But I have to be eternally grateful for the quality thinking time I get to myself.